Queen's Scholarship Pageant
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Queen's Scholarship Pageant


Attention young ladies entering grades 6-12 in a Fayette County public, private or home school and/or reside in Fayette County for the 2025-26 school year, the Fayette County Fair Association is seeking ambitious, outgoing individuals who would like to vie for 2025 Fayette County Fair Queen and Jr Miss to compete for substantial Academic Scholarships, prizes and share memories of a lifetime! These young ladies will represent our county throughout the year at parades, community service activities, area fairs and rodeos and more. Here is a way to make a difference in your community! All categories will honor the first 10 completed applications in each category to compete!

Queens are sponsored by a Fayette County non-profit organization that serves as a mentor for the contestant and receives 10% of total season pass sales in the Fall, if you organization is interested in sponsoring please reach out to the pageant committee via email, FCFQUEENTX@GMAIL.COM we will help you partner with a contestant!

Packets are available NOW at FayetteCountyFair.org. Completed applications for Queens and Jr Miss contestants are due Friday, June 20 at 4pm!

Check out the fair Facebook and Instagram for more details!

Shannon Hemmitt

Fayette Co Fair Pageant Chairman

Queen's Rules and Application 2025

Ticket sales begin July 1. Fair season passes, solely sold by the Queen contestants are $35 for all 4 days of the fair. Carnival fun passes, solely sold by the Jr Miss contestants are $70 for all unlimited carnival rides all 4 days of the fair! Tickets will be available in person and online.
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Queen Contestant Information