Lifetime Honorary Members
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Lifetime Honorary Members

Harvey Dippel

Harvey Dippel has been a member of the Fayette County Fair Association for over 40 years. He was honored as a Lifetime Honorary Member on February 2, 2010. We all know Harvey as the Director that took over the reins of the Commercial Exhibit Hall and made it the success it is today. He went about his job quietly and diligently and always had a full house of exhibitors that brimmed over onto the grounds surrounding the hall. His happy and friendly disposition accounted for exhibitors returning to the Fair year after year. Harvey has been a Director and served as an officer for the Board. He and his late wife, Anita, also served on the Flower Committee and put in many hours working on the Float Committee. He is most active today in many areas including Senior Citizens Day. We thank him for being the wonderful cook he is and for being our "hospitality ambassador" giving our Fair goers easy access to our grounds during the Fair on his golf cart. Harvey can always be counted on for commitment whenever he is needed.

Alfred Frerichs

Alfred Frerichs has been a member of the Fayette County Fair Association for 60 plus years. He is still active and takes to heart anything involving the Fair. In 1932, Alfred won his first ribbon at the Fair when he was in 4-H. In 1935, he was awarded the Gold Star. Being in charge of the agriculture and produce exhibits, Alfred always managed to have an abundance of exhibits even though the weather didn't always cooperate. When the exhibits are brought in, you can bet that Alfred will be there to help out. Alfred and his wife, Ore Nell, are truly dedicated to the Fayette County Fair. He was honored as a Lifetime Honorary Member in 2010.

Billy Koehl

There are Fair Board Members we will always remember for their loyalty and devotion to the Fayette County Fair. One of these is Billy Koehl who has been a member for over 30 years. He was honored as a Lifetime Honorary Member on February 2, 2010. It would be hard put to find an area Billy has not worked in. He served as Chairman of the German Czech Mart, the Fair Parade and served on the Entertainment Committee, Float Committee and is currently the Chairman of the Senior Citizen Day Luncheon. He has served as a Director for the Board, and is best known for his diligence as secretary of the Fair, a position he held for many years. In 2003, Billy was honored by the TAF&E as Volunteer of the Year. Each of us have called on Billy at one time or another for assistance in our areas, and we all know how willing he has been to lend a helping hand.

Calvin Kuehn

Calvin Kuehn was a youngster when he was first introduced to an organization he would someday become a member of. Calvin did become a member and has been a member for over 45 years. He was honored as a Lifetime Honorary Member on February 2, 2010. Calvin started in the parking area many years ago, first under Atlan Citzler and then along side his board member father, Joe Kuehn. Calvin has seen many improvements in the parking area and those of us who observed him over the years learned what a mentor he was to the many young people who came out each year to work for him. He has rapport with youngsters that anyone would envy. Our thanks go out to Calvin for the many hours he spends in the Fair Office during the Fair. He displays patience, kindness and is a knowledge of information for our visitors.


Dottie Meinardus is a fixture of the Fayette County Fair more than anyone else. Dottie has served on the Board for several years. Before she became a member, she was always here on the grounds broadcasting for KVLG. She organized the first Queen's Pageant which was held on the Gazebo, starting out with three contestants. She was also Chairman for the Parade, which saw many changes over the years. Dottie and a host of others would put together the infamous Womanless Talent Show, which was very comical not only for the crowd, but for the participants and volunteers. She also was the first paid secretary to operate the Fair Office. Dottie has many friends and fond memories being a part of the Fayette County Fair. Her smiling face and cheerful manner will always shine for those she comes in contact with. She was honored with Parade Marshall and in 2010 she was honored as a Lifetime Honorary Member of the Fair. Her children have followed in her footsteps honoring her in the events she created.

Kent Ohnheiser

When this member arrives on the Fairgrounds...he heads straight for the Livestock area. That is because he has automatically done this ever since he became a member over 35 years ago. He was honored as a Lifetime Honorary Member on February 2, 2010. Thought after thought goes through his head regarding changes...and those changes over the years have made his accomplishments outstanding. Kent is in charge of livestock with Leo Wick and he heads up the TCCA Open Heifer Show on Sunday. Kent has also served on the Scholarship Committee since it's inception, and is in charge of trophies and ribbons for the Fair. We all know him as "Kent", however, he is better known to all of us as "Mr. or Madam President...I make a motion for the meeting to be adjourned". He is an outstanding committee chairman and he has devoted many hours of his time to the Fair.

Marge Rosenberg

Marge Rosenberg has been a member of the Fayette County Fair Association since 1982. She was honored as a Lifetime Honorary Member on February 2, 2010. Throughout her years, she served in many capacities and helped the Fair achieve many goals. Marge served as a Director, as the Fair's first woman President, as General Manager, as Advisor, and also served as a member of the Texas Association of Fairs and Events Board of Directors where she was in charge of the Audit Committee, the Trade Show, and the Membership Committee. She received the prestigious TAF&E Hall of Fame Lifetime Achievement Award in 2004. She was Chairman of the Queen's Scholarship Pageant for 25 years. In all of the years, Marge would never ask anyone to do something that she would not do herself. She says, "the Fair is my will always be important to me."

Denise Speckels

Denise Speckels has been a member of the Fayette County Fair Association for over 25 years. She came on board in 1986 at which time she became a member of the Queen's Pageant Committee. In addition to that committee, Denise branched out and accomplished much more during her years. She began the Country Store which was quite a chore. But with her innovative ideas, she made it a success. She served in that capacity for several years, before taking over the Fair Parade. The parade grew to be one of the largest parades in the area under her direction. In 2009, Denise took over the Queen's Scholarship Pageant. We congratulate her on the accomplishments she achieved in that area, and thank her for the many hours she put in to making it a success. We appreciate Denise's enthusiasm and willingness to get the job done and congratulate her on becoming a Lifetime Honorary Member.

Theo Svec

Theo Svec has been involved with Fayette County Fair Association for many, many years, in fact since 1959. He was honored as a Lifetime Honorary Member on February 2, 2010. You might consider him as a pioneer working with ticket sales in primitive conditions. The ticket booth that we have now is like a palace compared to what it used to be like. There never was a true ticket office or booth. Theo served as Vice President of the Fair Association for a number of years, and was mainly in charge of ticket sales. Theo is active in work parties, cooking delicious stew for the annual membership meeting, and is involved in taking our entertainment to the local schools.

Rose Urbanovsky

If we were to count the many steps this member has taken on our grounds, we would be counting for days and days. That is because this member does not know the meaning of the word "quit". Rose Urbanovsky has been a member for over 30 years, and during those years has shown a willingness and spunk that is unequaled. She was honored as a Lifetime Honorary Member on February 2, 2010. Rose has served on the Parade Committee and Float Committee but her passion is the German Czech Mart which she has successfully guided for many years. The fact that the German Czech Mart is the "hub" of the Fair, is a testament to the success she has achieved over the years. Rose has served on the Board of Directors as Vice President and President of the Fair Association. Rose truly cares about the Fair, and that is evident in everything she does.

Leo Wick

Leo Wick has been a member of the Fayette County Fair Association for over 50 years. He was honored as a Lifetime Honorary Member on February 2, 2010. His involvement with the Fair started at an early age when he showed livestock and he successfully ran the livestock department ever since. The Fair continues to receive compliments on the livestock department year after year. One Leo got involved, it did not take him long to go from right hand man to top man. He served as President several times; he was co-manager for many years and was honored by being named Volunteer of the Year by TAF&E in 2002. Leo was also honored by having the Leo Wick Exhibition Building named after him. Not a day goes by without Leo coming to the grounds to take care of something that needs taking care of. Leo's dedication to the Fair is unprecedented. He truly is one of a kind.


To serve on a committee for the Fayette County Fair is always challenging, but to serve on several committees is a job in itself. That is why Barbara Kalina has been awarded the Lifetime Honorary member award. Barbara has spent many years assisting in the German Czech Mart. Realizing her talents, she was elected secretary and has served in that position for many years. In addition, Barbara has also served on the Sponsorship committee, the Queen's pageant committee and assisted with the talent show. She also do an excellent job of booking the fairgrounds throughout the year. Step into her shoes and imagine doing all her jobs. serving as secretary is a fulltime job, but imagine what it would take to book the fairgrounds and answer the many questions and demands the people have. All these jobs require a lot of time and effort and Barbara does it with grace, which is evident by the smile she is always wearing. On behalf of the Fayette County Fair Association, congratulations Barbara Kalina on becoming a Lifetime Honorary member.


When there is a vacancy in taking over a project with the Fair Association, there is silence in the room. Before long, one person will raise their hand. That person is often Glenna Laffey. What a job she has done for the Fair Association. To begin with, what would the creative arts before without Glenna at the helm. That is an area you would have to observe fully to realize the amount of time it takes to be successful. When changes took place a several years ago, Glenna's hand once again went up. She took over as chairman of the sponsorship committee. Glenna also gathers articles and makes sure the Fairview news is printed. She also collects information for the Fair catalog and makes sure an attractive poster is printed for the Fair each year. Glenna finds time to help at work parties, decorate the grounds, prepare food for work parties and generally helping wherever needed. Every organization would relish having a member like Glenna, with her knowledge, fortitude and desire to help put on an outstanding fair. We salute the lady with the warm smile. Congratulations Glenna Laffey on being inducted as a Lifetime Honorary member of the Fayette County Fair Association.


We have heard it mentioned many times that the Fair Association has workers who go about their work quietly and diligently and require no praise. In that vein, we feel it is time to add a special member to that list. That member is Eugene Urbanovsky. It goes without saying that Gene (as he is known to the Fair associates) has gone above and beyond when it comes to working. Gene began his service over 25 years ago in the German Czech mart area. Some of the committees that he has served on are: grounds, hospitality, Queen's pageant, MS 150 bike ride and the parade. The Fair association has never had Gene refuse a job. He's strong so he has no doubt lifted and moved items for almost every fair member at one time. Gene has stepped on every inch of the fairgrounds over the years. When you say the word dedication, his name must be mentioned in the same breath. For all his help over the past 25 years, the Fair association says "Thank you" and welcomes him as a Lifetime Honorary member.


The Fair association calls him the "King of the Road". His name is John Stanley. He owns a motor coach that has put on many miles going to and from the fairgrounds for Fair related events. He parks it and goes about taking care of any situations that may come up. In addition, John was instrumental in setting up the token booth, working countless hours daily making sure it was staffed and correctly balance at the end of the day and the end of the event. John also served as the director in charge of the MS 150 bike-a-thon for many years. Completely dedicated to the cause, John stayed in his motor coach at the fairgrounds during the event ensuring that all went well. John Stanley has been active in many areas of the fair over the years. He has served as President, Vice-President and director for many years, working tirelessly to make sure all events went as planned. Needless to say, he would be difficult to replace. Thank you John for all the work you have put into the Fair and your willingness to help others. The Fayette County Fair association salutes you as you receive the title of Lifetime Honorary Member.


The definition of the word volunteer is one who gives their services to others without regard for reward. That describes Barbara Tieken perfectly. Barbara has been with the Fair association for over 25 years. She is the first to arrive at work parties and always asks what needs to be done and then finishes the job. She comes to work to complete her task whatever it may be. Barbara has served as 1st and 2nd vice-president and was treasurer for multiple years. Over the years, she has served on many committees including grounds, finance, country store, entertainment and parade. For over 20 years, she has been a mainstay in the token booth. That includes counting tokens, balancing and making deposits, many times at all hours of the night. She is one of our quiet contributors but her accomplishments speak loud and clear. She is most deserving of this honor. Congratulations Barbara on being named an Honorary Lifetime member of the Fayette County Fair Association.

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